Bathroom vanities and sinks

The advancement of technology and mechanics is perhaps more evident in the bathroom than in any other room in the modern home. From corner bathtubs, deep, two-seater luxurious baths that stand in for jacuzzis to water saving toilets which combine optimal flushing power with lower water usage, we’ve come a long way from chamber pots and monthly dunks in the washtub. It’s a cause for celebration, especially according to patrons and owners of “Modern Toilet,” a Taiwanese bathroom-themed restaurant which seats diners on non-functional toilets and serves them food and drinks in mini toilets, bathtubs, and urinals.

Finding efficient toilets
is much easier now than it was even ten years ago. Water saving toilets are frequently chosen by commercial purchasers for their assistance saving on water bills as well as their positive effects on the environment. If you’re not ready for a toilet replacement, though, never fear! Here are a couple down-home ways to convert your home’s standard toilets into water saving toilets in a snap, and don’t worry. “If it’s yellow, let it mellow,” isn’t going to grace the list.

Method #1: Displace Water in the Tank

You might be familiar with the suggestion of putting a brick in your toilet tank, but that’s not highly recommended since the brick will disintegrate over time. Instead, get yourself a two liter soda bottle, put some pebbles in it, and fill it with water before placing it in your tank. If a soda doesn’t fit, choose a bottle of a different shape and size. In the end, it can displace enough water o save about 10 gallons a day.

If you aren’t feeling this MacGyver-esque approach, you can also buy products that provide a similar effect. Most are plastic bags that hang inside your toilet tank. You can even use two for double the results!

Method #2: Check for Leaks

If your toilets are older, you’d probably be surprised to find out how much water you’re losing from leaks. Take a look around the tanks to see if the flappers are in good condition. Those are the rubber sealers that keep water in the tank. Use a dye test to determine if water is staying in the tank or sneaking out when you aren’t paying attention. Though flappers are supposed to last for years, wear and tear and the use of chemical cleaning products can reduce their effectiveness. Replacement flappers are much cheaper than a new toilet and they’re pretty easy to install, too.

Water saving toilets can make a big impact on your water bill and on the environment. Until you can invest in a legitimate one, try these techniques for reducing your use of clean water. If we all make an effort, we can make a big difference!

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