Mobile healthcare apps have made many things easier for both patients and doctors alike. Using mobile devices helps staff to improve communicating patient information with their fellow workers, making the delivery of service much more efficient.
However, some aspects of this technology have come in to question. Specifically, employees using their own devices that for un-secure texting for healthcare has caused some compliance issues for hospitals with HIPAA regulations, which clearly state that a patient’s information must be kept secure at all times. In addition to these HIPAA concerns, there are also concerns over the degree of security that texting has, because the standard texting service has messages lying unsecured on telecommunication providers’ servers, where they can be easily intercepted by a third-party and read in transit.
The key is to choose a secure texting for healthcare service that eliminates these potential risks.
Many staff members will use their own mobile devices to communicate work related information. This, as mentioned earlier, puts the facilities at risk of violating HIPAA regulations. However, if the employees used the closed channels of a healthcare app that allows for secure texting for healthcare, this would eliminate the risk of these violations.
Another of these potential risks is the patient’s cellular provider. As stated previously, standard text services aren’t secure enough for hospitals. By using their mobile devices to communicate with their healthcare provider, they unknowingly put themselves at risks. However, were a hospital to have a secure texting for healthcare app, the patient could securely use their mobile device to communicate with caregivers.
Overall, secure texting for healthcare doesn’t just expedite services, it protects patients’ information and staff alike. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. Visit here for more.