There was once in a time in the history of civilization that only important personages were granted the privilege of owning a chair. This is where the term “chairman” stems from. Everyone else in society were only allowed to sit on benches, stools, or on the floor.
Thankfully, this is no longer the case. I have a bit of a furniture fetish. I love looking at the different designs of couches, sofas, loveseats and chairs. I get a kick out of every kind of furniture design, from the two earliest schools of the German Bauhaus designers and the designers of the American Arts and Crafts Movement to the most experimental contemporary styles.
Although I must say, my absolute favorite designs are of the modern variety, such as the Theodores chair and the like. Living in Washington DC, I am blessed with being able to come across amazing contemporary furniture dc has to offer nearly every day.
The contemporary furniture DC has to offer astounds me. I am blown away by some of the Dc modern furniture designers I come across. Modern design is all about negative space. In that regard, many of the designs could be considered abstract, but always practical in some way.
It is amazing what you can learn about the history of design while talking with furniture designers of today. I was at a contemporary furniture DC showing recently when one of the designers taught me that the word sofa has Arabic roots. “Sofa” stems from the Arabic word for couch.
Another DC contemporary furniture designer at the same gallery explained to me that our English word, “couch” actually comes from an old French term which meant, “to recline.” I must say, learning this changed the way I lounge on my couches at home. It has breathed new meaning and relaxation into sitting, something I long did idly and thoughtlessly.
Modern furniture dc has to offer is revolutionizing how we think of our homes. Contemporary furniture DC designs are breaking grounds and taking us far from the now traditional concept of living room arrangements where you may find a couch, a couple chairs, and a coffee table.
It was in 1691 when this classical setup first became distinct. It was then that Charles Augustin dAviler published in his architectural manual, “Lessons of Architecture,” which drew a line between the more formal rooms of a home and those that were the most lived in, or as he called it, “le plus habite.” It was from this text that our common vision of the living room was manifested.
Which is why it is so exciting that there are an abundance of contemporary furniture DC designers and dealers, hard at work on evolving the way out “le plus habites” are to look. Contemporary furniture DC dealers are smashing our notions of classical, tame living rooms with some daring and exciting contemporary furniture DC designs and original styles for the 21st century.