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Did you know that about 7.6 million homeowners have decided to invest in kitchen renovation during 2013? Of all possible home renovations, kitchen remodeling and bathroom remodeling are the most popular home renovations in the United States. Even when homeowners hire cheap kitchen remodelers, kitchen remodeling costs are the highest among all areas within a home.

The reason that kitchen remodeling can be costly is largely due to custom cabinetry, flooring, appliances, water fixtures, and plumbing. This is also true of bathrooms, where there is more custom design involved with the installation of sinks, bathtubs, fixtures, and custom cabinets than other rooms in the home.

According to recent estimates, typical kitchen remodel costs exceed $16,000. However, the fact that kitchen remodeling adds value to a home means that it may qualify for either home improvement loans or home improvement tax deductions. Furthermore, by investing in even a cheap kitchen remodel, the ROI could sometimes be as high as 90%.

In addition to increased home value and more pleasing aesthetics, a good kitchen remodeling contractor can also increase the energy efficiency of a home. Since the government offers tax incentives to homeowners who invest in more energy efficient home improvements, many kitchen remodeling products may qualify for additional tax write-offs.

The U.S. home remodeling industry generates more than $3 billion in revenue each year. This can be attributed to the fact that homeowners recognize the many benefits of investing in a new kitchen. If you’re considering a kitchen or bathroom remodel, it is always a recommended that you hire an experienced and reputable home remodeling contractor.

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