You just moved into your new condo or apartment. Sure, you are excited to be able to create a brand new living space, but you are a little underwhelmed by the space. It is tiny, it is miniscule, and oh, so very small. How in the world are you going to get all your stuff to fit?
There are all sorts of great ideas to maximize the usage of a small space. Sure, you may need to get rid of a few things or put them in storage, but you can make it work. Closet systems and organizers, and the murphy beds are just a couple of ideas that come to mind. There are many different closest systems, and the murphy beds choices are nearly endless.
Closet systems configurations are adjustable to change and fit your needs and tastes. These great closet storage systems came from the late 20th century and early 21st century variation. These closets are modular or custom built, and often includes space for items such as coats, shoes, and hats. Another great custom closet is the spear closet that is made from leftover space in a home that is of irregular size and shape.
You probably have visions of struggling with the murphy beds each night, but this is not the case. The murphy beds of our modern day use a piston lift of torsion springs to make contemporary murphy beds easy to lower and raise. The murphy beds of today are so easy and compact they are the perfect space saving option.
Using the murphy beds and custom closet systems is not just for a small condo or apartment. The murphy beds are a great idea for a combination guest bedroom office. Imagine taking your office and turning it into a comfortable guest room just by installing the murphy beds option. During the day, you get to work just as always. Then, if guests arrive, you simply open the murphy beds and your guests are ready to sleep in comfort. Add that custom closet and you have a multi use space.
The murphy beds and a few organization tips for closets can help you take any space and make it organized and functional.
More info like this: www.morespaceplace.com
I have always wanted to add a murphy bed to my office, if only for the nap time!
We have a murphy bed, and my guests absolutely love it.