If you are due for a motor oil change in the near future, you might want to listen up. You might be familiar with a the recommended motor oil of your car, but you should always know where it comes from. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you prep for your latest car operation.
When measuring the recommended motor oil in your car, use a dipstick. This long tool allows you to measure a liquid in a hard-to-reach place by checking how much of the stick came into contact with the liquid. Different engine oil standards will stipulate when the best time for an oil change is, but pay attention to the oil being used.
In the United States alone, drivers produce roughly 1.3 billion gallons of used motor oil ever year. The recommended motor oil for your car will depend on your make, model and year, but you can buy motor oil online easily. The best motor oil for your car, no matter the situation, will be one that meets the Api standards of the American Petroleum Institute.
Viscosity is the property of a fluid, like your recommended motor oil, that resists the natural force of the fluid to flow. Different motor oil types have viscosity gradings, including 0, 5, 10, 15 and 25, that tell you how strong that resistance is. Certain gradings will have a “W,” which represents their winter or cold-start viscosity.
Improperly dumped motor oil can cause serious problems in bodies of water. It can form a scum on top of the water which can prevent oxygen and sunlight from entering, thereby causing whatever is living underneath to die. Fish, frogs, plants and other small lifeforms are all at risk when your recommended motor oil is not disposed of properly.
In order to function at its maximum level, a car must be a well-oiled machine. But too much of your recommended motor oil can cause parts of the crankshaft, which helps keep the car in motion, to churn air into it. This can cause foaming and oil pressure fluctuation, both hazardous to the health of your car. Keep your car healthy. Know what you put inside of it.
API-approved motor oil can significantly increase your car’s health or help to prolong its use. You can find local garages and shops that use the best oil for your car.